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“While some people are able to recover from trauma on their own, many are not. The inability to rebound from such events could subject us to PTSD along with a myriad of physical and emotional symptoms.”

Peter Levine (PhD Medical Biophysics & Psychology) “In an Unspoken Voice, How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness” 2010.


Carole believes that research into brain wiring changes after trauma and neuroplasticity offer valuable insights and protocols for pain and trauma management.

Carole incorporates a range of cutting edge practical approaches, following in the footsteps of leading physiotherapists such as Prof Lorimer Moseley and David Butler (Neuro Orthopaedic Institute, Australia), Scott Musgrave, (AAT - USA) and Georgie Oldfield (SIRPA - UK). This is a very exciting area for physiotherapists to be working in.


Associative Awareness Technique™ (AAT)

AAT is a treatment approach specifically designed around the neuroscience of trauma and resultant chronic conditions. It works by creating new positive sensory and cognitive awareness. This restores homeostasis to the Central Nervous System, which in turn reduces or eliminates many Autonomically driven physical conditions.

Carole’s professional interest is to treat the ‘tough’ cases, where people have tried everything over many years and yet still have chronic pain.
Chronic pain and trauma are so often connected, in which case both need to be addressed to get resolution. Chronic conditions begin and end in the brain. They are not caused by the body. Carole's techniques involve both hands on approaches to reset and relax the sympathetic nervous system,  education about the complex nature of pain, working with emotions and beliefs, and lifestyle factors, all designed to build resilience both in mind and body.


Psychologist Session

Does it involve Hypnosis?

TRTP uses a type of low level hypnosis.  However, to clarify, it is not necessary to be 'hypnotized' to get results from TRTP.  We aim for a very relaxed suggestive state . This state helps people make changes by building or strengthening their own inner resources to overcome difficulties and problems.

Neuro-scientists now tell us that when we are experiencing this highly focused state of attention, in a relaxed state, our brains actually process information differently, although understanding exactly what happens in the brain is still in the very early stages of development. However, we do know that when we are focused in this way, we can be especially responsive to new ideas and possibilities that can help us make desired changes. TRTP uses the power of the imagination, engaging the imaginal cells of the brain.  Because the language of the unconscious mind is the imagination .



Carole Young 2024

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